Meet my New Conversation Pieces in Black!

I’m excited to tell you all about my newest collection; Conversation Pieces in black. 

A contrast to my previous collections, these pieces are a subdued glow, a shy glimmer of glamour, but a powerful, bold and unique take on jewellery, raw stones embedded within dark metal. 

This collection really delves into where it all began, years before I made pieces for clients, I created jewellery solely as a way to express my social criticisms. This idea struck me as I was walking along the beautiful shores of Lake Geneva, a stunning lake, yet still it was adorned with all this pollution. These pieces I made, presented found objects, waste material, broken porcelain, flea markets finds, broken glass and all sorts of other materials, in the form of unwearable art. This came about after I’d been working in the diamond and fine jewellery for many years, constantly immersed in the most dazzling and glamorous golden world. I loved that world, but at that time it didn’t represent who I was as an artist and I needed to venture out on my own. 


What I think was most important for me to communicate was the concept that being unique and bold can be glamorous in itself, you don’t need the golden dress and sparkling tiara to share this side of your personality. Each ring in this collection is a one-of-a-kind jewel, showcasing a particular stone and setting. From lapis lazuli to a pebble found on an adventure, from a Tahiti pearl to a raw chunk of pyrite, my pieces have a beautiful and raw finish, from pure, soft-to-the-touch designs to more intricate cocktail rings. My daily surroundings and moods are forever guiding me along the creative journey to the finished piece. 

Hopefully you can brighten up this autumn with a positive note and you can embrace all the beautiful new colours that nature surrounding us has to offer. 

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