
  • My summer blog!

    Hello dear friends! When I started writing this blog a few weeks ago, the weather shifted dramatically from glorious summer sunshine to cold rainy days. It seems we are all enduring this together in Northern Europe ... Luckily, my mood isn't much affected by the weather. Of course, it can be chal... View Post
  • A Dutch Adventure, from Amsterdam to Buren : "My first Jewellery Fair"

    Hello lovely people,Finally, I've got a new blog for you! I've been wanting to share a slice of life with you earlier, but with all the changes in the news and the constant hustle, it took longer than expected. Having you here makes it all the sweeter to share. I'm thrilled to share some highlig... View Post
  • Embracing the Beauty: A personal reflection on the year gone by.

    A very warm Happy New Year to you all! In the spirit of the season, let's ride the wave of well wishes a little longer, shall we? The new year may officially begin, but together with a genuine warmth of heartfelt greetings that lingers, transcending timelines. As I sit here, contemplating the by... View Post
  • November, and finding Positivity in a Complex World

    Dear friends, As I sit down to write this amid November, surrounded by the beautiful Autumn colours, it's hard to ignore the turmoil and challenges that the world continues to face. The stories in the news fill our hearts with anxiety and sorrow. I wonder why humanity still grapples with conflict... View Post
  • Autumn, yet another joyous season!

    Hello, dear friends! It feels like ages since I last poured my thoughts onto these digital pages, and I'm thrilled to be back. Autumn is very much felt here in the Alps and with lots of sunshine. Last weekend, the cows descended from their Alpine meadows, all dressed up with flowers and bells, to... View Post